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Julian Gil explodes against Marjorie de Sousa for showing his son Matias on television

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Julian Gil explodes against Marjorie de Sousa for showing his son Matias on television
Julian Gil explodes against Marjorie de Sousa for showing his son Matias on television
Khushbu Kumari

Now he told her everything! Julian Gil is fed up with not being able to see his son Matias and he gave a good rant to Marjorie de Sousa on Instagram... there's more

Julian Gil exploded against her son Matias, Marjorie de Sousa. Through an image and a long, strong message on her Instagram account, the Latin television star revealed her annoyance over the appearance of her youngest son on television.

Of course, Gil stressed the fact that he hasn't seen Matias for seven years. So it seems crazy to him that his mother, the Venezuelan actress and model Marjorie de Sousa, has put him in front of television screens through the Hoy Program.

“Gift of Love and Peace? I wish it were like that and not just lip service. What better gift of love and peace than letting a son meet his father and vice versa. Today, after almost 7 years, I was able, like thousands of you, to have a ‘little bit’ of my son. After a while of not being able to see him even on social media because he couldn't show his face, he now made his debut on television,” he began by saying.

“As a father, everyone was taken away from me.

“ my rights, my parental authority was turbulently taken away before the law... How can we continue to see with good eyes and not raise our voice in the face of such a fact? Would it be taken in the same way, if it were the other way around, if the mother his son was taken away from him for no reason? We are thousands of people who suffer from Parental Alienation...”, is just part of what was published by Julián Gil on his Instagram, after years of fighting to be allowed to see his son.


He considers it unfair that the whole world can see him and he, who is the father, still cannot. Let us remember that, for years, Julian Gil and Marjorie de Sousa have been in a battle for visits with their son.

Julian Gil has pleaded with Marjorie de Sousa

After having spent a good period of time in court in Mexico, Julian Gil gave up that route so he could see his son Matías.

All this time he has used every possible way, including programs he hosts, his social networks and even interviews in other media, to send a message of conciliation to Marjorie de Sousa.< /p>

Expresses the fact to leave the past behind and be able to find a middle point of communication with the mother of his child. This, in order to be with him and part of his growth.

Despite all the efforts that Julián Gil says he has made, Marjorie de Sousa has not given in and has not given details of this either. For years, every time she is asked about the situation with Julián Gil and whether or not she is going to let Matías be with him, she immediately asks for respect for her privacy.

She says that nothing concerns He will speak this in front of television screens. She has also alleged that the only thing she intends, with this refusal, is to preserve the private life of her little Matías.

Marjorie de Sousa celebrates Christmas with Matías on TV and away from Julian Gil

However, that is precisely what she demands from Julián Gil. She considers it doublespeak the fact that, on the one hand, she says that she is going to keep Matías's private life out of the media; But on the other hand, the youngest and Marjorie made an appearance on television that they dedicated to Venezuela, the model's native country.

“Yessss finally!!! Tomorrow we bring you ‘A gift of love and peace’ our new Christmas single December 1, together again my beautiful baby Mati and I. And we are waiting for you at @programahoy to give you something very special for you #regalodeamorypaz tomorrow December 1st on all Digital platforms. Thanks to my entire team again for being there ?”, said the famous.

As of the closing of this note, Marjorie de Sousa has not expressed herself in response to Julián Gil's message. So, everything seems to indicate that this battle is still going on or at least that's what it seems.

Marjorie de Sousa
Marjorie de Sousa.


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